
FundMyInnovation is a global networking portal bring meaningful relationships that go beyond traditional networking. We prioritize genuine connections that lead to impactful collaborations.

About Us

We prioritize genuine connections that lead to impactful collaborations. put our best efforts in accelerating your innovations in new technology knowledge that create jobs, wealth & business in alignment.

We are dedicated to building a unified VC ecosystem cutting across all technologies and geographies. We invite key decision-makers to ensure that the ideas we discuss can be swiftly put into action.

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StartUps! Are you looking for Investors?

Private investors and groups around the world are looking to make an investment in potential entrepreneurial projects and business start-ups. World is a global village and investors are investing in cross border communities and hence its isn’t difficult to find the investor who understands your goals, vision and synergy.

How it Works

Connect with Investors

The investors on the portal will have visibility of all the published ideas of Startups and Entrepreneurs. Your contact details and other communication information is also revealed to the investors, who can directly interconnect with you.

Post Your Idea

Pitch your business plan on the template listed. It will ask for minimal information that will elicit interest among the investors. Furnish the brief information about your idea in a crisp manner. Your dashboard reveals who has shown interest in your idea.

Get Funded

Investors will have directly visibility of your proposed investment opportunity. We are no where involved in between. Pitch your proposition in a right manner that will attract the investor to your burgeoning idea or innovation.

Venture Capitalists! Are you looking for Investment Opportunities?

We believe in building long-lasting enterprises that stand tall and inspire younger generations by building sustainable business goals. Today the world is a global village and is offering tremendous opportunities cutting across the technologies and geographic barriers. FundMyInnovations offers you the opportunity to interact with versatile entrepreneurs from different countries who are developing versatile technologies.

How it Works


Register your company profile with the required details. Your details are maintained in confidentiality. Your profile will be authenticated before you receive the authorisation to scan StartUps and Enterprises.

Connect StartUps and Enterprises

You will have the visibility of all the published ideas of Startups and Entrepreneurs. Identify suitable technologies and connect with the innovators of your choice. Your contact details and other communication information are only revealed to the enterprises that you evince interest.

Empower Your Incubation

Get connected to your burgeoning enterprise to become partners in their success and growth. Mentor and guide them through the entire cycle of investment portfolio.

Seed To Scale! Enabling startup founders in their entrepreneurial journey from Seed To Scale.

The vision of FundMyInnovation is to take through transformational journey from your Seed stage to exit stage. If you have an innovative idea, we help you in due diligence in ensuring the long-term success and sustainability of the startups.

The early-stage VC funds play a significant role in a startup’s success. Capital inflow in the initial stages allows the early stage entrepreneurs to research the market, work on product development, achieve product marketing and focus on market expansion.

Raising money from a Venture Capital (VC) firm is extremely challenging. We are networking the potential stakeholders for financing for startup companies and small businesses with long-term growth potential.

Join the bandwagon today and explore the unlimited opportunities!